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Unlocking the Future of Autonomous Transportation: The Deloitte and May Mobility Collaboration

Deloitte and May Mobility, an autonomous vehicle (AV) technology company, announced an alliance relationship to bring new data and insight offerings to market, helping to improve and optimize rider and community safety for their joint municipal and business customers, supporting the adoption of future autonomous transportation.

Deloitte’s 2025 Global Automotive Consumer Study confirmed that consumers worldwide are looking for AV companies to prioritize safety in their autonomous transportation solutions. Deloitte and May Mobility’s joint capabilities use data and analytics from May Mobility deployments to closely track safety events and help government and business customers improve safety outcomes for riders. One example of this joint capability is Deloitte’s autonomous vehicle data platform, which transportation planners and operators can subscribe and receive insights, to more effectively take action and optimize autonomous mobility for their communities.

may mobility self driving toyota

Deloitte and May Mobility first deployed insight services in 2024 as part of the Accessibili-D autonomous vehicle program in the City of Detroit. City and university researchers, including the University of Michigan, are using data and insights from Deloitte and May Mobility to optimize the AV system that helps older adults and people with disabilities (PwD) access critical services, such as doctor appointments and grocery stores. These insights can be incorporated into the autonomous vehicle plans of municipalities and businesses wherever May Mobility deploys around the globe.

“Our goal is to collaborate with May Mobility to create safer autonomous mobility by analyzing AV behavior and interactions with riders and the broader community,” said Jeff Hood, principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP. “A more trustworthy AV transportation system will create outcomes that have been the promise of the AV industry for years, such as better access to affordable and sustainable transportation.”

This new collaboration, that can be deployed both domestically and internationally, combines Deloitte’s data, software engineering and AI capabilities; and combines them with data from May Mobility’s AV system and weather, city infrastructure and ridership data.

“Our patented Multi-Policy Decision Making (MPDM) technology runs on-board simulations to imagine thousands of possible scenarios every second, enabling a vehicle to rapidly perform the safest action in any given scenario,” said Manik Dhar, chief commercial officer for May Mobility. “Combining MPDM with Deloitte’s insights platform creates another layer of analysis tailored for each unique community, resulting in an optimized mobility system for our customers.”


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