The US Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has announced it's Side Impact 2.0 testing protocol. The first crash-tests adopting the new protocol will likely happen this year before the results are included as a permanent component in evaluating the highly prestigious Top Safety Picks from 2023 onwards.

The German supplier Messring has launched a new product, Moving Barrier IIHS 2.0, they describe the barrier as the perfect fit for the latest specifications. Messring points out that it is designed and manufactured to high-quality "Made in Germany" expectations and equipped with original brakes and chassis from the USA. It guarantees that manufacturers and test engineers can test their new vehicles under the same conditions as the IIHS protocol.
Users of a MESSRING crash system can easily integrate the barrier into their facility and Crashsoft thanks to the integrated access point according to IEEE 802.11n standard and connection to the ProfiNet. Brake control, the status of brake pressure and battery charge, barrier type and ID, as well as serial number and service information, can be easily retrieved and configured via the Crashsoft software.
In addition to the prescribed specifications, the MESSRING Moving Barrier IIHS 2.0 includes the following special equipment to ensure easy integration into the test setup.
Integrated hydropneumatic brake system for emergency braking and second impact avoidance
Individually calibrated center of gravity and moment of inertia
Mounting plates for sensors and data acquisition system
Hight adjustable front shield
Connection points for lifting devices

The new test protocol is mostly the same as the previous one. The new moving barrier's main differences are the increased mass of 1,900 kg and the associated adjustments to the chassis, brakes, and frame design. The background for the adjustments is evaluations by the IIHS, which revealed that the moving barrier used to date is no longer adequately representative for the increasing size of SUVs and heavy pick-ups on the road. With the added weight, raised the speed to 60 km/h and structural redesign of the deformable honeycomb structure, a current mid-size SUV is now being mimicked. The goal of the test update is to reduce the number of fatal traffic accidents and as a result increase road safety.