The NCAP test C-IASI, which is important for the Chinese market, is part of the extensive update of the measx product family. According to a German firm, measx, X-Crash identifies differences and similarities from C-IASI compared to other standards such as those of the NHTSA. Individual crash tests for several standards can also be evaluated for the Chinese market.

The almost thirty-year success story of X-Crash once again lives up to its claim to be up-to-date. The evaluations, which were recently also available on the web, further accelerate the process and ensure that they are up-to-date and valid.
"As usual, this version brings extensive innovations and the support of new revisions of standards. Our customers like to use the opportunity to compare different revisions or standards. This means that new standards are also extensively validated. Confidence in new standards is quickly established in the rapid development. Invaluable regarding safety," explains Klaas Ebel, Director of Vehicle Safety Evaluation Software at measX.
The X-Crash product family offers the world's leading evaluation for passive and active vehicle safety tests and dummy calibration. The extensive evaluation library is continuously adapted to current and future test regulations in close cooperation with the users. The software tools cover all relevant laws worldwide.
With the updates of the past time, the adaptation of the programs to other languages was implemented. Therefore, switching between different languages is uncomplicated at any time. Shown is the language selection in X-Crash.