Testing supplier, imc Test & Measurement will put an international team of colleagues running the "Wings for Life World Run" on May, 9th 2021, to support research for a cure for spinal cord injury. In 2020, 13 runners from imc Test & Measurement started and ran 199.95km together. This year, the imc team (with 36 runners and counting) is running again to support the Wings for Life Foundation and to do something good together while having fun. For every kilometre run by the team, imc Test & Measurement will donate an additional 2,-€.

The Wings for Life Foundation encourages individuals and groups of people to start running with thousands of other people worldwide at the same time. Participants run as far as they can until the Catcher Car passes. 100% of the runners starting fees go into spinal cord research and helps to find a cure for spinal cord injury. More than 120,000 participants from over 134 nations will be hitting the start line in the eighth Wings for Life World Run this Sunday. The start for the biggest run ever will be on May 9 at 11 am UTC. Anita Gerhardter, CEO of Wings for Life says "I'm overwhelmed by the worldwide response; knowing that thousands and thousands of people will be on the starting line together on Sunday for our foundation is a feeling that hard to put into words. It is honestly giving me goosebumps." Companies, groups and individuals have time to register as registration will remain open right up until just a half-hour before the start. Please click the link for more information here.